Banana Muffins

Makes approximately 14-15 mini-muffins


1 cup plus 2 ½ tbl whole-grain spelt flour
(you can substitute with oat or all-purpose flour) 

½ tsp baking powder 

½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp cinnamon 

¼ tsp ground ginger 

¼ tsp vanilla 

1 ½ ripe banana, mashed 

¼ cup date paste 

6 tbl plant based unsweetened plain yogurt 

½ cup chopped pecans (¼ cup goes into muffin batter, remaining are for decorating tops) 

Chef Note: I use Forager organic cashew yogurt 5.3 ounce (use full container)


 Preheat oven 350°F

• In a large bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and ginger. 

• In a separate bowl combine vanilla, mashed banana, date paste, yogurt.

• Mix wet ingredients into the dry, fold in half the nuts – be careful not to overmix! 

• Using an ice cream scoop, portion the batter into silicone pan, sprinkle remaining
nuts on on top for decoration. If you are using a regular metal muffin pan, you will need to
line each cup with paper liner.  

• Bake 20-25 minutes, you can poke a toothpick into the center of a muffin, if it comes out clean,
muffins are done. 

Chef Note: Recommend investing in silicone pan, I love this Lekue 11 Cavities Mini Muffin Multi 
Cavity Baking molds.




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